charon's Net.Fiction page

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Note: Stories listed here were either published by the author using the HTML format, or edited by me as RTF text and, when enough time and interest were available, converted to HTML using rtf2html V2.7.5 and patched up afterwards to achieve somewhat decent spacing and the ilk; although this is known to be a somewhat futile effort — see HTML is no TML by Jutta Degener. Later versionsdistributed as .pdf were converted to text files via pdftotext, checked for consistency and converted to HTML via custom awk and sed scripts.

Human Memoirs by Greg Howell ( (novel) (beta stage)
Foreword by the editor.
Chapter     I
Chapter   II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Afterword by the author.
Light on Shattered Water by Greg Howell ( (novel), an attempt on the same subject as Human Memoirs, and just as brilliant as the above.
Foreword by the author.
Part  1
Part  2
Part  3
Part  4
Part  5
Part  6
Part  7
Part  8
Part  9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18, a Halfway note
Part 19
Part 20
A warning for Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Notes and forthcoming
© Notes and Afterword
Storms Over Open Fields by Greg Howell ( (novel). Sequel to Light on Shattered Water.
Part 1 (as of 2008-02-12)
Lies in Red Leaves by Greg Howell ( Sequel to Storms Over Open Fields.
Part 1 (as of 2021-12-23)
Bound by Stone Circles by Greg Howell ( Sequel to Lies in Red Leaves.
Part 1 (as of 2023-12-23)
Godsend by Greg Howell ( (novel fragment). The Gods must be crazy.
Foreword by the author.

Part  1
Part  2

Part  3
Part  4
Part  5
Part  6
Part  7
Part  8
Part  9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

III — "Reunions"
Part 15 (updated 2001-04-29)
(preliminary) Afterword by the author.
Borderlines by Greg Howell ( (novel fragment). Intelligent life would have proven itself to be so by not contacting the Nedai...
Sample Chapter (updated 2001-11-01)
Kitsune by Kkatman ( (short story)
The Hawk by Sean L. McLane (very short story)

          Interesting, not?  Want to read more of this furry stuff?  Miavir's Index of Furry Stories is a prime source of furry net.fiction.

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